Antergos 17.10
Antergos is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It uses the GNOME 3 desktop environment by default but it can also employ the Cinnamon, MATE, KDE Plasma 5, Deepin, and Xfce desktops. Package manager: PacmanInitial release date: 7 May 2012OS family: Unix-likeLatest release: 18.7 / 6 July 2018; 21 days agoDeveloper: Alexandre Filgueira and teamDefault user interfaces: GNOME Shell, Cinnamon, Xfce, KDE Plasma 5, Openbox, MATE
Rolling ReleaseAntergos is a rolling release distribution. Your entire system, from the base OS components to the applications that you install, will receive updates as they are released upstream—with only a minimal delay to ensure stability.
MultilingualAntergos is available in many languages including Spanish, Galician, Catalan, English, German, and more. Easily install Antergos with our Multilingual Live Medium which includes our easy-to-use graphical installer.
Essentials IncludedAntergos includes everything you need. Its default configuration provides you with a ready-to-use system. No additional steps are required after installation. You’ll be able to surf the web, listen to music, watch videos, and do anything else you like. Simply reboot your system and enjoy.
Helpful CommunityThe Antergos community is a friendly bunch of users with a wide range of experience levels. If you encounter any problems or just have a question, our community is always happy to help.
Antergos is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It uses the GNOME 3 desktop environment by default but it can also employ the Cinnamon, MATE, KDE Plasma 5, Deepin, and Xfce desktops.
Package manager: Pacman
Initial release date: 7 May 2012
OS family: Unix-like
Latest release: 18.7 / 6 July 2018; 21 days ago
Developer: Alexandre Filgueira and team
Default user interfaces: GNOME Shell, Cinnamon, Xfce, KDE Plasma 5, Openbox, MATE
Size: 2.5GB
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